Dear Families
The time is now. We are in an unprecendented moment history where the world is struggling to come to grips with the health crisis that is COVID-19. It is our responsibility to play our part in curbing the spread of the virus and the advice from Health and NSW Government is to abide by social distancing guidelines and self-isolate.
Many of our staff are parents, becoming parents and some of us are grandparents so we know and understand the worry and stress everyone is under. The situation is impacting significantly on our workforce here at the school.
That said, our staff have been amazing in the way they have pulled together and are developing learning packs for all our kids to enable learning to continue in the home context. These will be available for families to pick up from the school hall from 8 am on Friday 27th March 2020.
The learning packs are NOT prescriptive or timetabled, they are designed to enable families/students to select from a range of meaningful tasks across a range of curriculum areas. The last thing we want is for families to be arguing over a learning task. The priority at this time, I believe, is for families to come together and focus on keeping safe. Other things such as patience, team work, kindness, fun, resilience...may come to the fore and be a positive in such a stressful time.
One thing to keep in mind - at the end of all this, your kids' mental health will be more important that their academic skills. How the felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during those weeks is long gone.
Focus on Family
Brett Cumming